Saxon CrossFit 2021 Member Awards

Saxon CrossFit 2022 Member Awards

Saxon CrossFit 2022 Member Awards Our winners of our 2022 Member Awards were announced  on Saturday night 10th December at our Christmas Party. The drinks were flowing,  the food was plentiful,  the venue, The Queens Head, was buzzing and above …

Barbell aged 60+

Progression is lifelong

Everywhere I look there are inspiring words written and actions performed by “everyday” people. In my experience there is no average person, everyone has some unique gift to inspire. We celebrate the well known, famous, the news chasing as these …

Coach Steph

Steph has been part of the Saxon CrossFit Family for many years. She progressed quickly, and through her hard work and determination has become a formidable CrossFit athlete. Steph is now sharing all her CrossFit knowledge and experience, coaching with …

Coach Sam

Sam is a dilgent and caring coach. Constantly seeking to learn more and put in practice his new knowledge, always for the benefit of the Saxon CrossFit members. CrossFit level 1 and Functional Gymnastics Trainer Qualified. We asked him to …

Coach Jordan

Jordan joined Saxon as a member in 2014 and is now our longest serving coach, with 5 years service. He’s recently made the decision to commit for another 5 years and to do that undertook and passed CrossFit Level 2 …

CrossFit Open 2022

The Crossfit Open 2022 is nearly upon us and some of you may be starting to get nervous and worry about stuff that you wouldn’t normally consider, one of things could be what and when to eat, eeeekkkk, open Google …

The Christmas Wishlist

2021 saw the 15th Crossfit Games. It brought growth. It brought continued adjustment to new normals. It brought loss. It brought new life. We may not be Justin Medeiros or Tia-Clair Toomey, but we are all moving. Be that recovering, …