Coach Sam

Sam is a dilgent and caring coach. Constantly seeking to learn more and put in practice his new knowledge, always for the benefit of the Saxon CrossFit members.

CrossFit level 1 and Functional Gymnastics Trainer Qualified.

We asked him to let us know more about his CrossFit experiences, and here they are…

How you got in to Crossfit

I was already into my fitness but what got me into CrossFit was by chance. When I was working on the cruise ship I worked in the gift shop department. Opposite the gift shop we had a sports bar where there was a big TV screen. One day I was walking past it and I remember seeing the CrossFit Games. It immediately caught my attention and since then I was hooked. What really caught my attention was watching how the female and male athletes were moving seriously heavy weights with ease. 

How I became a CrossFit Trainer 

I have been at Saxon since September 2016. I really enjoyed my time before I’d even thought about coaching. I had competed in plenty of competitions and always enjoyed showcasing my abilities, some more than others.

One being the most famous moment of my CrossFit career involving an air bike. In a mixed pairs team competition at the Suffolk Games, I’d put so much in to the air bike that I had no energy to get my self off it to swap with my teammate, Heidi Mills, so I just threw my body off and crash landed to the floor, much to the amusement of the Saxon support crew.

Becoming a coach was again by chance. I’d taken my CrossFit Level 1 October 2018 as a way of knowing more about how and why CrossFit worked. I started being trained by Saxon Coaches the Saxon and coaching part time and then my career path changed drastically in 2019, when I had to leave the police. Luckily, Saxon offered me the opportunity to go full time coaching and as soon as I did, I immediately knew this was for me. 

What are your ambitions with coaching

My goal with my coaching, is to make it the best hour of our members day and be part of their success. It’s a great feeling and honour when members achieve their fitness goals. My ambition is to coach more and more people to hit and beat their goals. I aim to be that someone they can rely on to come to for all their own fitness ambitions.

For me to know that I have fulfilled my job correctly, is when people are happy with my  coaching and that they have learnt something they can use to become even better in their workouts. I have had the privilege of being part of great moments as a coach, from seeing members achieve their first pull up, muscle up, handstand, box jump, to progressing to their first competition, be it in house or at an external event. 

Anything else you want to share

I love what I do but more importantly its the members that make me love my job. Without the members we have at Saxon I wouldn’t be the guy I am today. They bring out the best in me and I always appreciate it when they spend their time with me in classes or in individual coaching sessions. 

I am just hugely grateful to be part of their journey.