Our April Member of the Month is: Scott
We are stoked to announce Scott Thompson as our Member of the Month for April!
There are so many reasons why we choose Scotty this month and it is hard to convey them all through text. He is one of the hardest working and most naturally talented athletes we have but none of these are the reasons we picked him.
We picked Scott because he works hard, every session, for the whole session. No matter what task Scott is undertaking he is giving it his all and he is happy as fuck about doing it. Give Scott a workout that has every movement he hates or struggles with and he will bury himself to complete it and thank you at the end.
We picked Scott because he is one of the politest and most genuine people we have ever met. He says hello and goodbye to every single person at the box when he comes in. He cheers on everyone until they finish and he is excited by other peoples successes.
We picked Scott because he is not satisfied with his achievements and is not complacent with his talent. He wants to be better, stronger, faster, fitter and healthier and will work hard to achieve it.
He is also funny. He takes banter well and gives it back just the same. He has become a key figure in our community and is completely oblivious to how highly he is regarded (another reason he is awesome)!
We asked Scott:
What brought you to Saxon CrossFit?
I was looking for a different way of training to push and develop me more than my regular training. I saw Tim (Head Coach) in Waitrose with a Saxon T-shirt on and did some research. I then saw the flyers in Pilch Sports and the girl told me how good the demo you guys (Tim and Jess) did. After that I emailed Tim and got involved.
What do you think is your biggest achievement since you’ve started at Saxon CrossFit?
Dragging Dean to the final of the Ben & Jerry’s cup (Saxon CrossFit In-House competition)! But from a training point improving my bodyweight exercises, like pull ups, and starting to get my head around barbell complexes.
What is your favourite/least favourite movement?
Favourite pretty much any lifting, pressing and squatting. Although I love muscle ups and hand stand push ups too. Arms only ski erg for pure comedy! (This is hilarious for anyone who has not seen Scott do arms only ski-erg).
Least favourite is Wall balls and running.
What do you like most about Saxon CrossFit?
The positive and supportive culture you guys have created. The interactive and supportive attitude of all the members. The mutual support and enthusiasm for, and by, each and every member to achieve their goals. And the genuine enjoyment and satisfaction we all feel when fellow members put it all out their in pursuit of those goals. The community and mutually supportive environment is very special. It’s a great laugh too. For someone not known as a particularly social animal it has allowed me to meet some great people who I genuinely enjoy spending time with.
What are your short/long term training goals?
Short term, 200kg back squat, ring muscle up, double unders and to improve my rowing and Wall balls.
Long term, improve mobility to clean and front squat properly and improve my engine.
Tell us something about yourself that the other members do not know?
I did tap dancing lessons as a child. Obviously that will be no surprise to anyone who has witnessed my fleet footed skills in the box!!
That and my favourite film is Top Gun!