To our members,
Firstly, thank you. 2015 has been awesome for Saxon CrossFit and you’ve all played a pretty big part in that. The community we have going is amazing, inspiring and just fucking cool! Jess and I are extremely thankful we have such an epic group of people around us all the time and are very grateful to have you all as members and more importantly friends.
Everything we have achieved as a box this year comes down to the input from each and everyone of you and we can not wait to see what you, and by extension us, achieve in 2016!
As we look forward to the new year and start making plans for everything we hope to do and achieve its important to look back and reflect on the progression and hard work you’ve all put in. Its very easy to lose sight of how far we have come and how much we have progressed and to always be caught up in being better. Now is the time to relish how far you have already come and be inspired to achieve more next year.
We have had people literally double the weight they can squat.
We have had people achieve their first pull ups, ring dips, muscle ups and below parallel squats.
We have had people lose a shed load of weight.
We have had people pack on a shit load of muscle.
We have forged friendships, partners and team mates.
Each and everyone of you will have become better this year. The physical improvement we have seen in you all in amazing. The psychological is equally astounding. We’ve seen confidence gained, the want to quit ignored and self belief beam from you all. Each and everyone of you has improved, often much more than you think.
We would also like to thank you all once again for the amazing experience we had on Christmas Eve, and i’m not talking about the hour of burpees. To be surprised with any form of gift from you all would have been amazing. To be surprised with such a generous, thoughtful and much wanted gift was mind blowing. To have so many of you turn up on Christmas Eve to watch us receive it literally made both Jess and I cry. We have never been so over-whelmed and still can’t quite believe how generous you all are. I know a few of you have already had a go on the new ski-erg and are already regretting getting it for us but we both love it!!!! Jess and I both put in a lot of hours to run the box but we love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. Christmas Eve confirmed for us that it definitely is worth all the hard work!!!
Next year looks to be just as awesome for our community. We have lots of plans for the box, the programming, the coaching, the members, the kit and the events. I hope you all have a pretty clear schedule because 2016 is going to be busy! Now go and relax for a couple more days. Enjoy the celebrations, make some resolutions, pop some champagne. Next week we want to see you all back hard at work becoming the best version of yourselves you can be!
With Love,
Tim and Jess
Saxon Coaching Team