Member of the Month: Vicki Swann

Our March member of the month is: Vicki Swann

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Vicki is one of our most consistent members. Attending classes at least 5 times a week, every week, Vicki has made massive progress since joining us last October. Vicki arrived with pretty good cardio respiratory endurance but she will be the first to admit she wasn’t that strong. Having applied herself to the classes for the last few months Vicki has more than doubled her back squat and just the other day cleaned 50kg!! A very popular member of the box Vicki brings a great attitude to every workout. She has really impressed the coaches with her consistency, effort and attitude to the box.

We asked Vicki some questions about Saxon CrossFit:

What brought you to Saxon CrossFit?
My sisters dragged me along and I wanted to look less like a twig.

What do you think is your biggest achievement since you’ve started at Saxon CrossFit?
Getting a 50kg clean

What is your favourite/least favourite movement?
Push ups or deadlifts are my least favourite and I love cleans.

What do you like most about Saxon CrossFit?
Learning new skills and all the people

What are your short/long term training goals?
Short term – to get 3 strict push ups
Long term – to learn to handstand walk!

Tell us something about yourself that the other members do not know?
I’ve got a phobia of plasters….. they freak me out xxx

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