Member of the Month: April 2015

Aprils Member of the Month is: Kelly Fox


kelly fox


Kelly has recently rejoined Saxon CrossFit after leaving briefly to focus on other sporting activities. Since returning Kelly has been a huge asset to the box and a fantastic member of our community. Giving her all in every workout and consistently attending classes and open gym Kelly has achieved numerous PB’s this month. Always supportive of other members and eager to learn and master the basics Kelly embodies everything we strive for at Saxon CrossFit. She has even spread the CrossFit methodology and recruited her cousin Karianne to the box!

This early in her CrossFit journey Kelly has already made massive progress and we see huge potential for her in the near future. We asked Kelly some questions about Saxon CrossFit:

What brought you to Saxon CrossFit?

I’ve always played a lot of sport and gymed regularly! I was getting fed up of doing the same things over and over again at the gym and not seeing any results! Saxon CrossFit was advertised at work offering a free taster session so I went along to see what CrossFit was all about!

What do you think is your biggest achievement since you’ve started at CrossFit?

My biggest achievements at CrossFit are hitting a 80kg Back Squat and being able to do burpees without falling into a heap… you soon learn after trying to do as many burpees as you can in an hour!

What is your favourite/least favourite moment?

My least and favourite moment happened in the same WOD at CrossFit- completing workout 15.5! It was mentally the toughest workout I had ever done, it managed to reduce me to tears! I wasn’t sure how I was going to complete it however, I managed to get back into the box and finish the workout in under 20 minutes! It then became one of my favourite moments at CrossFit because it proved to me that anything is achievable at Saxon however tough if you put your mind to it! I would have not been able to complete it without the support of my coaches Tim and Jess.

What do you like most about Saxon CrossFit?

I love being able to escape for an hour at the box and smash out a workout. The best workouts are the ones where everyone pulls together and there is a sense of group achievement at the end! I also love the changes I’m seeing in my body both in strength and appearance!

What are your short/long term training goals?

My short term goal is to smash the boys at Boys v Girls and to strengthen my basic gymnastic skills! My long term goal is one strict pull up. I want to be all round fitter, stronger and better!

Tell us something about yourself that the other members do not know? 

I used to be a dancer!

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