IN 2019 BE YOU.

‘The easiest thing in the world to be is you’ – Leo Buscaglia

The first day of a New Year is symbolic for many reasons.

Many of us will have an almighty hangover and a tinge of regret for the alcohol we consumed last night.

Many of us will be shamelessly consuming all the ‘bad’ food left over from Christmas so we can go back to normal eating tomorrow.

Many of us will be dreading the return to work tomorrow and the end of the ‘festive season’.

It is also a time that many of us will be looking to reinvent ourselves. ‘New Year, new me’ is a common mantra thrown about this time of year. We all pin hopes on the dial switching from one year to the next as a line in the sand, a clear barrier where we go from being someone we no longer wish to be to the person of our dreams.

Now I love a resolution as much as the next person and I have many for the year ahead. I have ones for my business, ones for my personal life and others for my relationships. They will all hopefully help me be a better person and to make the most positive impact that I can in 2019.

I don’t usually share my resolutions but the following one I will. I’m sharing it because it is something I think we should all strive to do in the next 12 months.

Be you.

Sounds easy right. Just be myself. But I mean be you all the time. At work, at home, at the gym, in the street. If you’re at home alone or with your family or out with friends or in a group of strangers. Be you. Be the same person in every situation, the person you actually are.

It’s easy to try and be who you think people want you to be or to be a perfect version of yourself for the masses. This isn’t sustainable or achievable and will only lead to you to tripping up somewhere down the line. Set a standard for yourself, one you know you can keep and one that you know is truly representative of you. And then be it with everything you have!

2019 isn’t some dramatic time for change but it’s as good a place as any to start being more you. Find what makes you happy, find what brings laughter and love into your life and hold on to it. Be yourself and find the time for you. Reach next January knowing you we’re un-apologetically yourself for the last twelve months.

And if you are looking for somewhere full of being people themselves, somewhere full of happiness and laughter (and a lot of exercise and hard work) then come and check out Saxon CrossFit. If you have a resolution that is based around fitness, weight loss, self growth or living your best life then we are just the place for you to start!