Each and every month it gets harder and harder to pick a Member of the Month. The box is genuinely full of excellent contenders every month with people working hard, PB’ing, achieving great things and being epic members of the Saxon community – it’s truly awesome to be part of such an awesome gym!
This month the coaching team thought our stand out member was Luke Pickford. Luke has been with us for seven months now and has been an awesome member since day one. Instantly slotting into the community of the box Luke is easy going, hard working and supportive. He’s made some epic progress since he joined, loosing weight, packing on some muscle, lifting dramatically heavier loads and smashing out some big scores in workouts.
Luke has also excelled at the community element of Saxon – getting involved in our social events, In-house and external competitions and pretty much everything else we do at Saxon. Luke recently put in an outstanding performance at the Suffolk Games burying himself on the workouts and pushing hard despite feeling like his forearms were going to fall off. He also rocked his custom vest like a champ, embraced his tan lines and styled out slipping off the rig mid workout!
Always up for hard work, consistently funny and easy going Luke is a class member to have at the box and is more than deserving of being our Member of the month for July. We asked Luke:
What bought you to Saxon CrossFit?
From hearing friends and family talk about the epic sessions at Saxon I just felt I needed to get involved and push myself to further limits! Just doing a general gym session, never gave me the motivation to push myself in other areas of fitness I never thought I’d achieve.
What’s the biggest change Saxon CrossFit has had on your life?
Being committed to fitness. Saxon CrossFit has enabled me to become more confident in myself as a person. I feel that I am and already have achieved personal goals which I set out when I first started!
What’s your favourite thing about Saxon?
Generally! Just bloody everything! From meeting new people, to having top banter within our great community of coaches and people! The drive and motivation is unreal!
What’s your ideal workout?
I love doing the Olympic lifting classes with a cheeky AMRAP at the end!
Describe Saxon CrossFit in 3 words.
Inspiring, motivational and energetic
Tell us something about you that the other members won’t know?
I am terrified of heights, like insanely terrified. I’m that scared of heights that when I was younger I was left clinging onto a lorry inside door handle because I couldn’t get down, even though there was a step!!!!