Our June 2016 Member of the Month is: Vearnon Johnson Vearn is an absolute boss! Enough said! The coaching team love him and there aren’t many people at Saxon who he’s not had a positive impact on. Few will …
Real Fitness Hurts.
Everything In Life Worth Having Requires A Degree Of Hard Work: Relationships, careers, houses and gardens, businesses and even parties require you to put a considerable amount of work into them before you get to enjoy their benefits. …
Good Movement Is More Impressive.
Don’t be impressed by speed. Be impressed by movement: Mechanics. Consistency. Intensity. Every time our members start a session we go through a very similar process. We verbally explain the workout they are about to do and ensure each …
Member of the Month: Scott
Our April Member of the Month is: Scott We are stoked to announce Scott Thompson as our Member of the Month for April! There are so many reasons why we choose Scotty this month and it is hard …
Member of the month: Sammie
Our March Member of the Month is: Sammie Last year our members voted Jordan Burrell our member of the year. This month it gives us great pleasure in announcing Jordan’s wife, Sammie, as our Member of the Month! Sammie …
Bring-A-Buddy Session: 13/03/2016 Saxon CrossFit Wymondham, Norfolk
Bring-A-Buddy Session: A) The session will start with a brief overview of what CrossFit is all about: the methodology, the class structure and why we do what we do. B) Group warm up to mobilise and prep the …
Ice Cream Cup: The Day
All The Details Dudes: Just 19 days remain until our first in-house competition of 2016 kicks off. Below is everything you will need to know, hopefully: Timings: WOD 1 will begin at 0930 hours. We will move onto WOD …
Member of the Month: Pam
Our February Member of the Month is: Pam Ross We are pleased to announce Pam Ross as our February Member of the Month! Pam is pretty cool. Not many mum’s of two know what a clean and jerk …
The Ice Cream Cup
THE ICE CREAM CUP: We are very excited to announce the initial details of our first in-house competition of 2016, The Ice Cream Cup! The Ice Cream Cup will be a same sex pairs competition …
2015 at Saxon CrossFit
To our members, Firstly, thank you. 2015 has been awesome for Saxon CrossFit and you’ve all played a pretty big part in that. The community we have going is amazing, inspiring and just fucking cool! Jess and I …